Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

You’re a Champion

You’re a Champion

You’re a Champion

You're Signed Up!

We’ll email you the details of your specific First Responder location – usually within 24 hours.

If you don’t see it, check your spam folder.

Please be patient throughout this process, as we are a very small team of volunteers attempting to make this whole thing happen.
Thank you again for your involvement!

Now That You're In

Challenge a Friend To Join

Now that you are a champion, challenge one of your friends to become a champion as well. Call them out on social, and get them involved in the fun.

Follow Us on The Socials

We’ll email you the details of your specific First Responder location – usually within 24 hours.

If you don’t see it, check your spam folder.

Please be patient throughout this process, as we are a very small team of volunteers attempting to make this whole thing happen.
Thank you again for your involvement!

Now that you’re in

Challenge a Friend To Join

Now that you are a champion, challenge one of your friends to become a champion as well. Call them out on social, and get them involved in the fun.

Follow Us